Monday, April 28, 2014

4 Reasons Why Dental Check-ups Are Important

For some it’s “time” or “money, for others it’s “My teeth are fine!” We've all been guilty of putting off dental check-ups at one point or another. There are still a number of people with some serious love-hate relationship going on with their dental appointments and we get it. Really, we do.

But routine dental check-ups offer a lot more than you think. And we’ve come up with 4 really good reasons why at Dr. Michael’s, we recommend you see your dentist every six months.

Continue reading here.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

If You Need A Root Canal, See An Endodontist

Inaccurate (and widely exaggerated) stories about root canals prevent patient like you from making an informed decision regarding your oral health. In the US, they are addressing this issue through a week-long celebration of their 8th annual Root Canal Awareness Week (March 30 – April 5, 2014). It’s a national effort to promote awareness of endodontists so that patients and general dentists recognize the need to contact a specialist when a root canal is needed.
At Dr. Michael’s Dental Clinic, we recognize the pivotal role endodontists (root canal specialists) play in your oral health and we continuously work towards educating the public about root canal treatments. Here are 5 root canal myths, truths and even more plenty of reasons why it shouldn't be feared.