Monday, December 29, 2014

Make 2015 The Year of Megawatt Smiles

For those of you who are still thinking long and hard about what to put into your New Year’s resolution list, here are a few practical tips that you can add to make sure you maintain your megawatt smile all throughout the coming year.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Dr. Chris Johansson, Up Close & Personal

Here's an interview with Dr. Chris Johannson, one of our amazing general dentists at Dr. Michael's Dental Clinic. What does he like most about being a dentist? Find out today!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Will 100% Pure Juice Damage Your Child’s Teeth?

Fruit juices come in all forms, flavors and sizes. For parents like us, it’s really convenient to keep juices in stock and ready to quench our young one’s thirst but it often comes with a price. Juices pack a double whammy with its acid and sugar content – two culprits that work best in eroding the teeth and causing decay.
What about 100% fruit juices, will these rot your child’s teeth?

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Dr. Michael's Back-to-School Tips to Keep Your Child’s Winning Smile

As you and your child bid goodbye to the last few days of vacation and the oozing summer heat, it is time to make a checklist and say hello to school once again. As you cross out some of the things on your list like new school supplies, wardrobes and shoes, be sure your child is armed with healthy teeth and gums too all throughout the school year.

Tooth decay is one of the biggest health issues among children, accounting for over 51 million hours of school time lost every year. As a whole, poor oral health can negatively affect your child’s ability to learn and concentrate in school. Oral conditions can interfere with your young one’s nutrition, speech, self-esteem and daily activities.

At Dr. Michael’s Dental Clinic, we encourage all parents and children to practice healthy oral habits at home and at school.  Your child's back-to-school dental checklist should include the following.

Regular dental examination
You may not realize that your child is having a dental problem, so regular checkups are important to diagnose, prevent or treat your child’s oral condition. Your pediatric dentist may suggest fluoride treatments or sealants to save your child from pain and lost school time.

Healthy school snacks
Cut back on sugary foods and drinks. Choose healthier snack options for your child including grains, milk, cheese, raw vegetables, yogurt or fruit.

Handy dental kit
Pack a dental health kit in your child’s lunchbox. You can make it fun by letting your child select his or her own toothbrush. Don’t forget to include a toothpaste and a floss in the kit.

Ask your dentist about the right mouthguard for your child while participating in sports, PE classes and other playground activities. A properly fitted mouthguard can prevent serious and oftentimes irreparable inquiries to the teeth, gums and jaw.

Make sure your child is smile-ready and happy to get back to school. If you wish to make an appointment with our specialist pediatric dentists, call Dr. Michael’s Dental Clinic at 04-3397700 today.

Invisalign Clear Braces in Dubai

Invisalign is a clear alternative to traditional braces. It makes use of virtually invisible and removable teeth aligners tailored for you to straighten your teeth, without the pain and inconvenience of wires and brackets.
While there are many other options to correcting crooked and misaligned teeth, no other treatment offers the same level of comfort and convenience as Invisalign. It can treat a wide range of conditions such as crowding, gaps, crossbite, underbite, overbite and buck teeth.
Transform your smile without having to change your lifestyl
See its advantage over metal braces.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Best & Worst Food For Your Teeth

The food that we eat can have a big impact on our oral health. Some foods and beverages invite tooth decay while others help fight the buildup of plaque.

What is plaque and why do we need to get rid of it?

Plaque is a thin, invisible film of sticky bacteria that covers the surfaces of your teeth. When starches or sugars from the food you eat come in contact with plaque, it releases acids that attack the enamel of your teeth. Relentless attacks can cause the enamel to erode and break down, eventually resulting in cavities.
Here are a few recommendations from the American Dental Association (ADA).

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Truth About Root Canal And Cancer

While there are plenty of undisputable resources about the effectiveness of root canal (endodontic) treatment, misinformation continues to circulate online.  Dr. Michael’s Dental Clinic, along with our American Board Certified Endodontist Dr. Yasmin Al-Zoubaidy, continuously work on educating the public about root canal safety while debunking the myths that root canals cause cancer or other health problems.
To date, there has not been one valid, scientific evidence linking root canal-treated teeth and disease elsewhere in the body. The American Association of Endodontists (AAE) states that there is no causality between root canals and cancer; just because a person has experienced both doesn’t mean a cause-and-effect relationship exists.
In fact, a 2013 study published in a journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery) found that a patient’s risk of cancer doesn’t change after having a root canal treatment. Additionally, researchers found that patients with multiple endodontic treatments had a 45% reduced risk of cancer.
Researchers found that patients with multiple endodontic treatments had a 45% reduced risk of cancer.
“As dental professionals, we know there is no evidence of a link between root canal treatment and cancer or other diseases,” said AAE President Dr. Gary R. Hartwell. “It is in the best interest of patients to understand there is no valid, scientific evidence linking root canals to such health problems, and also to understand the advancements in modern dentistry that make endodontic treatment predictable, effective and successful.”
Feel free to contact us should you have more questions regarding root canal therapy. For more information about the AAE, visit the Association's website.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Whole New World of Pain-free Dentistry for Kids

The very thought of dental masks, needles and cold instruments being prodded in the mouth could strike fear in anyone seeking dental appointment. When it comes to our little ones, this fear is much more exaggerated. As a result, your child may not be able to relax or sit still long enough to receive proper dental treatment.
At Dr. Michael’s Dental Clinic, we understand that dental anxiety can be a stumbling block to ensuring your child’s oral health. That is why we make use of the best, most up-to-the-minute dental technologies available to put your child’s safety and comfort above all.
With the dawn of Lasers in Dentistry, the feeling of anxiety can now be well replaced with those of fun and excitement.

No shots. No drills. No fear.

Dr. Michael’s offers Waterlase, the most advanced technology in laser dentistry. It not only replaces the much-feared drill; it also eliminates the use of needles.
In the practice of our pediatric dentist Dr. Imneet Madan, our younger patients feel exceptionally comfortable. A lot of them describe their experience as nothing more than an occasional faint sensation of popping on the tooth.
The laser can be related to the feeling of popcorn bursting. Some kids would say they imagine Star Wars-shooting at the bacteria.
“The laser can be related to the feeling of popcorn bursting. Some kids would say they imagine Star Wars-shooting at the bacteria,” says Dr. Imneet.
This technology uses a unique, powerful interaction of air, water and laser energy that reduces the need for anesthesia (shots) when performing routine dental procedures. Unlike the much-dreaded dental drill, this laser does not require direct contact with the tooth surface. It works at pinpoint precision without heat, vibration or pressure.

No Pain. No Trauma.

The same technology is applicable to soft tissue procedures where the laser promises precise cutting, faster healing and no bleeding.
When it comes to saving severely decayed baby teeth, the use of the diode laser has been pioneered by Dr. Imneet. So far, the success rate of her laser-assisted root canal treatments comes close to 100 percent. She firmly believes in performing this procedure even on baby teeth that would otherwise be indicated for early extractions. Early loss of baby teeth could later on subject a child to more complex orthodontic procedures.
We recommend a dental check-up every six months for optimum oral health. With the best technology and providers in hand, we invite you and your child to come and visit Dr. Michael’s Children’s Dental Center.

Do You Grind Your Teeth?

Do you often wake up with headaches or shooting pains in your jaw? You could be gnashing your teeth while you’re sleeping.
Teeth grinding or bruxism is common in both children and adults and not a lot of people may realize they’re doing it until their dentists spot the symptoms.
The American Dental Association says that bruxism often occurs in the early part of the night and can even disturb sleep partners. Bruxism may be mild and occasional or aggressive and frequent. While others brux loudly, others clench and grind their teeth without making a sound.

What are the symptoms of bruxism?

  • dull headaches
  • jaw soreness
  • teeth that are painful or loose
  • fractured, broken  or chipped teeth
No exact explanation for why we grind our teeth has been established, but it is believed bruxism can occur due to stress and anxiety, irritation in the mouth, improper bite or misaligned teeth.

What can happen to a bruxist’s mouth?

  • Frequent clenching of the teeth can cause wearing away of the tooth enamel
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Teeth grinding can damage dental works like bridges and implants
  • The pressure from gnashing can cause cracks or fractures in the teeth
  • Teeth can become painful or loose
  • Bruxists can suffer from facial pain and overall facial fatigue
  • Pain in the temporomandibular joint - the joints on each side of the mouth that connect the lower jaw to the skull

How can you address the problem?

If you experience any of these signs and symptoms, it’s best to see your dentist. Your dentist will examine your teeth and look for evidence of grinding. He or she will look for broken, chipped or loose teeth and poor tooth alignment. Your dentist will also check the muscles in and around your jaw and your jaw joints.
Based on your dentist’s diagnosis, one or more treatment options can be recommended.

Treatments may include the following:

  • A custom-made nightguard that you can wear while you’re sleeping.
  • Orthodontic correction - if bruxism is caused by misaligned teeth or a bad bite
  • Stress reduction - if the problem is caused by anxiety
  • Lifestyle changes - cut back on caffeine, alcohol, stop smoking
Are you or anyone you know has bruxism? Please share your story here.

What You Need To Know About Dental Crowns

Crowns are one of the more common restorations available to keep our teeth’s appearance and functionality.
If you've been told that you need to get one done and still have some questions in your mind, our specialist prosthodontist Dr. Omar Aldaoudi offers you a list of answers to the most frequently asked questions about crowns.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Root Canal Specialist in Dubai

For root canal treatments with unmatched precision, visit Dr. Yasmin Al-Zoubaidy at Dr. Michael's Dental Clinic today.

Monday, August 11, 2014

New study links endurance training and tooth decay

Regular exercise is important in keeping our bodies healthy and strong. People who find time getting fit with sports, workouts or even just running around town do a better job controlling their weight and improving their mood, sleep and energy.
For those who eat and breathe sports for a living there could be a downside.
A study made by a team of German dental researchers links an increase in cavities and tooth erosion among athletes who trained for long periods of time, multiple days a week.
The aim of the research published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports is to give light to the impact of endurance training on oral health, with regard to tooth erosion, caries, and salivary parameters.
Continue reading here.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Could Poor Oral Health Cause Depression?

We know how powerful the emotional impact of tooth loss is to a lot of people. Some compared it to losing an arm or leg, others admitted avoiding leaving their homes in embarrassment.
Another UK research revealed that 70% (9.7 million) of people surveyed with bad teeth say that bad teeth negatively affected their lives.
But what exactly is the connection between poor oral health and depression?
Here’s some information from a study made by a team of researchers from the Deakin IMPACT Strategic Research Centre in Australia.

Monday, June 30, 2014

A Fresh Mouth for Ramadan

During Ramadan the fasting process can take its toll on the whole body, and especially the mouth. Dry mouth, bad breath, cracked lips, bleeding gums, tongue coating, these are just some of the oral effects of fasting.
A thick layer of plaque bacteria can sometimes form on the surface of the tongue causing bad breath (Halitosis).
If you are fasting for any length of time, there are a few cleansing rituals you can do to maintain a fresh and odor-free mouth.
Continue reading here.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Meet our Specialist Endodontist Dr. Yasmin Al-Zoubaidy

"Saving your natural tooth is the best ultimate option. With the latest advancement in endodontics & if your root canal is performed by a specialist, your success rate is up to 97%."

Dr. Yasmin Al-Zoubaidy
American Board Certified Endodontist

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Is Cranberry Juice Good For Your Teeth?

Cranberries are really sour and are therefore more popular manufactured as juice, jam or sauce.  Cranberry juice cocktail is approximately 26% to 33% pure cranberry juice, sweetened with fructose or artificial sweetener. According to the Harvard School of Public Health a 12-ounce serving of cranberry juice cocktail contains 12 teaspoons of sugar and 200 calories.

Monday, April 28, 2014

4 Reasons Why Dental Check-ups Are Important

For some it’s “time” or “money, for others it’s “My teeth are fine!” We've all been guilty of putting off dental check-ups at one point or another. There are still a number of people with some serious love-hate relationship going on with their dental appointments and we get it. Really, we do.

But routine dental check-ups offer a lot more than you think. And we’ve come up with 4 really good reasons why at Dr. Michael’s, we recommend you see your dentist every six months.

Continue reading here.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

If You Need A Root Canal, See An Endodontist

Inaccurate (and widely exaggerated) stories about root canals prevent patient like you from making an informed decision regarding your oral health. In the US, they are addressing this issue through a week-long celebration of their 8th annual Root Canal Awareness Week (March 30 – April 5, 2014). It’s a national effort to promote awareness of endodontists so that patients and general dentists recognize the need to contact a specialist when a root canal is needed.
At Dr. Michael’s Dental Clinic, we recognize the pivotal role endodontists (root canal specialists) play in your oral health and we continuously work towards educating the public about root canal treatments. Here are 5 root canal myths, truths and even more plenty of reasons why it shouldn't be feared.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Discolored Teeth: What's To Blame

Sunshine, sunflowers and a basket of bananas and lemons – yellow takes the trophy for the most cheerful color. The only spot we don’t want to see any hint of yellow (and yes, brown too) is on our teeth. Check out your teeth on a mirror. Can you notice how yours have changed in color throughout the years? 
Getting right down to business, click here to see the six biggest offenders behind a stained, yellow smile.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

20th March: Celebrating Healthy Smiles on World Oral Health Day

Dr. Michael’s Dental Clinic is one with the world as we celebrate World Oral Health Day (WOHD). March 20th is the international day of raising awareness on the benefits of a healthy mouth and highlighting issues around oral health and the importance of importance of protecting the teeth and mouth throughout life.
This year’s theme is “World Oral Health Day 2014, Celebrating healthy smiles” because having a healthy mouth is truly a cause for celebration! WOHD is important because 90% of the world’s population will suffer from oral diseases in their lifetime, and many of them can be avoided with amplifies governmental, health association and society support.
Continue reading here.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Oral Health and Kidney Disease

Recent studies have linked poor oral health to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high cholesterol anddementia. But did you know that people with kidney disease are also at heightened risk of certain dental problems? Continue reading here.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

No More Sharing Spoons: Cavities are Contagious

Dental caries aka tooth decay or cavities, is an infectious disease. Just like colds, strep throat or flu, dental caries can spread from one person to another.

Cavities are caused by tooth-adherent specific bacteria, primarily mutans streptococci that feed on the sugar in your mouth, producing acid that eats away the enamel of the teeth. Mutans streptococci may be transferred from caregivers to child through salivary contact.
Parents are often shocked when dentists say that their young children have developed tooth decay even after religious oral care. Moms with cavities in particular, can transmit cavity-causing oral bacteria to their babies by sharing utensils or cleaning pacifiers by sticking them in their own mouths.
Dental caries is the single most common chronic disease in children, but it’s an entirely preventable one. Here are five practical ways to prevent transmitting cariogenic bacteria.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Signs of Trouble

How do I know if my wisdom teeth are impacted?
An impacted tooth can be painless, showing no symptoms. However, when it becomes infected (pericoronitis) or starts causing other dental problems, you may experience some of these signs and symptoms:
  • Pain or swelling of the gums or jaw bone
  • Pain when chewing or biting
  • Difficulty opening your jaw
  • Prolonged headache
  • Bad breath
  • A bad taste in the mouth
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck
Write to us if you have any questions about wisdom teeth extraction. To book an appointmentwith our oral and maxillofacial surgeon Prof. Steen Sindet-Pedersen, you may call contact us at 04 3397700 or 04 3949433.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

No-nonsense Dental Implants by Prof. Steen Sindet-Pedersen & Dr. Michael’s Dental Clinic

Today, dental implants are changing the way people live. They are designed to provide a foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel and function like your natural teeth. Patients who have lost teeth regain the ability to restore their ability to eat, speak clearly and smile with confidence. Patients with dental implants can smile with confidence. With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime.
Prof. Steen Sindet-Pedersen, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon brings to Dr. Michael’s Dental Clinic his many years of private practice focusing on dental and maxillofacial implantology, bone grafting, reconstructive and orthognathic surgery. His vast experience allows him to successfully place dental implants even in “high-risk” patients suffering from chronic health conditions, gum disease or bone loss in the jaw area.

Why Choose an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon?

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons (OMSs) are trained in assessing their patient’s unique needs and working out an appropriate treatment plan. Whether they are replacing a single tooth or a mouthful of teeth, OMSs can perform dental implant surgery comfortably in a single visit. They are the only dental specialists trained to obtain and place bone grafts in areas where little or no bone exists. Bone grafts are also used to treat bone loss resulting from traumatic injuries, tumor surgery or congenital defects. Read more here.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Zoom Teeth Whitening in Dubai

Our dental hygienist, Dulene Swanepoel, shows us the step by step procedure of our Zoom Teeth Whitening treatment at Dr. Michael's. Zoom whitens your teeth up to 8 shades lighter in an hour!
Visit Dr. Michael’s Dental Clinic today!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

New American Dental Association Fluoride Guideline for Kids 2 And Under

Image credit: MouthHealthy
The American Dental Association’s (ADA) Council on Scientific Affairs (CSA) has recently updated its guidelines on fluoride toothpaste use for younger children. The ADA has overturned its decades-old recommendation and now suggests that parents and caregivers use a tiny smear of fluoride toothpaste as soon as their children’s first tooth comes in.
CSA previously recommended using water to brush the teeth of children younger than 2 years old and to brush the teeth of children 2 to 6 years old with a pea-size amount of fluoride toothpaste. In order to ward off cavities, the ADA updates its guidelines and recommends using fluoride toothpaste in an amount no more than a smear or the size of a grain of rice for children younger than 3 years old and a pea-size amount for children 3 to 6 years old.
Continue reading here.

Monday, February 10, 2014

WIN a Goodie Bag with Dr. Michael's Dental Clinic

Got your own tip on preventing baby bottle tooth decay? Share it with us on our blog at & get a chance to win a goodie bag from Dr. Michael’s Dental Clinic!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Understanding Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Photo Credit |
We all know how convenient it is to put our babies to bed with a bottle. The idea seems especially tempting after a long day and your little one is having a hard time settling down. It can be a tough habit to break for you or your child, but this can lead to tooth decay.
Tooth decay in infants and young children is often referred to as Early Childhood Caries or Baby Bottle Tooth Decay. One of the most common causes of baby bottle tooth decay is putting a baby to bed with a bottle of sweetened liquids or those with natural sugars like milk, formula and fruit juice. Another notable cause is using a bottle as an all day long pacifier for a fussy baby.
For tips on how to prevent Baby Bottle Tooth Decay, click here.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Living with Braces: Prevent White Spots on Your Teeth

Studies show that 85% of people who wear braces may develop white spot lesions on their teeth. These white, chalky spots are a precursor to tooth decay. They tend to be permanent too.
Read about the cause and prevention here.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dealing with Sensitive Teeth

For people with sensitive teeth, something as ordinary as eating ice cream or having a bite of hot pizza can cause agonizing pain. Others may even experience pain when pressure is applied to their teeth or when breathing in cold air. Tooth sensitivity is quite common and for most sufferers this “small” issue often takes the backseat. If tooth sensitivity is affecting your quality of life, inform your dentist right away.

Why does tooth sensitivity happen?
Tooth sensitivity is often a result of exposure of dentin (the part of the tooth which covers the nerves) due to the wearing away of the enamel or gum recession.

If tooth sensitivity is affecting your quality of life, inform your dentist right away.

What causes tooth sensitivity?
Tooth decay
Broken or cracked teeth
Worn enamel
Worn dental fillings
Gum recession
Gum disease
Aggressive tooth brushing
Teeth grinding or bruxism
Excessive use of home teeth whitening products

What can I do if I have sensitive teeth? Continue reading here.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Power Up Your Oral Hygiene This New Year

The beginning of a year always holds so much promise and a lot of people find it a good time to hit the reset button and start anew. The first half of January is almost over, how are your New Year’s resolutions holding up? For us here at Dr. Michael’s, we encourage you to include improving your oral hygiene habits in your 2014 list.

Aside from brushing and flossing your teeth and regular visits to your dentist, here are 10 tips on how to power up your oral care habits.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Keep Cavities at Bay with the World’s First Connected Toothbrush

Photo: Mashable
Not sure how well you brushed your teeth this morning? There’s a new smart toothbrush that can tell just how well you fare.
Announced at the 2014 International CES show in Las Vegas, the Kolibree smart toothbrush is the world’s first connected toothbrush that provides details about your brushing habits to help improve your overall oral health.
Via Bluetooth, the Kolibree smart toothbrush records each brush stroke through an accompanying app and reveals if you brushed long enough or if you missed out on certain areas in your mouth.
Continue reading here.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cosmetic Dentistry: Creating Brighter, Better Smiles

From subtle repairs to major procedures, cosmetic dentistry has evolved to improve every aspect of a smile. From teeth whitening, to replacing missing teeth and everything else in between, smile enhancements are proven to boost a person’s overall appearance and self-confidence. At Dr. Michael’s, our cosmetic dentists work hard to create results that make you want to smile even more.
Today, cosmetic dentists have a variety of techniques and tools in their arsenal to reshape teeth, close gaps between teeth, fix broken or chipped teeth, restore worn teeth and even alter the length of your pearly whites.
In the UAE, smile makeovers are getting more popular than ever. Our CEO and Clinical Director Dr. Michael Formenius has been helping countless patients achieve the smile they truly desire through dental veneers.
Continue reading here.