Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dealing with Sensitive Teeth

For people with sensitive teeth, something as ordinary as eating ice cream or having a bite of hot pizza can cause agonizing pain. Others may even experience pain when pressure is applied to their teeth or when breathing in cold air. Tooth sensitivity is quite common and for most sufferers this “small” issue often takes the backseat. If tooth sensitivity is affecting your quality of life, inform your dentist right away.

Why does tooth sensitivity happen?
Tooth sensitivity is often a result of exposure of dentin (the part of the tooth which covers the nerves) due to the wearing away of the enamel or gum recession.

If tooth sensitivity is affecting your quality of life, inform your dentist right away.

What causes tooth sensitivity?
Tooth decay
Broken or cracked teeth
Worn enamel
Worn dental fillings
Gum recession
Gum disease
Aggressive tooth brushing
Teeth grinding or bruxism
Excessive use of home teeth whitening products

What can I do if I have sensitive teeth? Continue reading here.