Wednesday, November 4, 2015

ExpatWoman Review: Visit to Pediatric Dentist Dr. Chantal Kengo

4th November, Dubai, UAE: ExpatWoman’s Sarah visited our Specialist Pediatric Dentist Dr. Chantal Kengo with her 7 year old daughter Sassy last Saturday. Here are some tidbits from their experience.
First visit: General checkup and fluoride application
“Dr. Chantal Kengo personally came to get us and we all sat down on chairs and talked about the reason for the visit. Sassy was to have a general checkup and Fluoride wash. Once the purpose of the visit had been established Dr. Chantal explained to Sassy that she would need to sit in her special chair so she could get a good look at her teeth.
The whole experience was stress-free and verging on fun. Sassy was given a mirror, watching as Dr. Chantal counted her teeth and got her involved in each procedure and action. Dr. Chantal has a natural easy way with kids and explained each and every instrument or tool she was to use. It made Sassy feel really comfortable. She introduced Shower and Mr. Thirsty as she did a good clean on her teeth after exposing the plaque left on Sassy’s teeth and a few stubborn sticky bananas.”
Second visit: Fillings
“Dr. Chantal’s child-oriented approach shone through as she explained about the sugar bugs that have made homes in Sassy’s teeth and now that there are so many of them they need more homes and were taking over more teeth.
I didn’t even see Sassy flinch as Dr. Chantal administered the injection! Dr. Chantal and her assistant, Christina, worked quickly and calmly mending the holes in Sassy’s teeth.”
Read Sarah’s full review.